!Wife Johanna Juliana was married (1) August CARL
!Spelling of the wife's name is as it appeared in the Overton Ward Records and the Family Records of Andrew B. Clevenger; there is a slightly different spelling in the St. George Temple Records and TIB card. She was known as Julia. The three above children were born to Julia and her first husband August CARL. The children were sealed to their mother Julia and Andrew Benton Clevenger.
!CHILDREN'S BIRTHDATES St. George Temple records give Adolph August Carl's birth year as 1900 and his brother Wilhelm Gustaf Carl's birth year as 1902. The birth years listed in the Overton Ward records (1890 & 1892) for both boys would be more accurate, since Gertrude Luveda Clevenger Cooper wrote in her life story that both of the boys were older than herself (born in 1894). With no other record available, we have to accept the birth year (1904) listed in the St. George Temple Records for Rudolf Gottfried Carl (deceased).
!MARRIAGE:Marriage License;;Lincoln Co.,State of Nevada;;Original License in poss of W Haws 560 S Spur, Mesa, Arizona 85204;!NOTES:gives name as "Mrs.Julia Carl".
!BIRTH-PARENTS-BAPTIZED-ENDOWED:Temple Index Card;;St. George Temple;No 4773 Book C Page 504-5;Copy in poss of W Haws;This states her name as Auersch-Johanna Julianna Elisabetha.
!SPOUSE:Andrew Benton Clevenger Journal;1927;A.B.Clevenger;page 5 no. 81;original in poss of Ruth Maxine Haws;!NOTES: gives name as "Johanna Juliana Elizabeth Auersch Carl" born 24 Aug 1857 "Vowlon ? Big Punkin, Ger.".
!BIRTH-PARENTS:Overton Ward Record of Members;;Overton Ward, Moapa Stake; Record No. 1 item no 151; FHC Film # 014913; NOTES: F-John Carel, M- Hippe, Born- 24 Aug 1857, Klain Panker, Germany, Baptized- 6 Feb 1902 by Alver Crosby, Confirmed- ? Maby, Remarks in record " Removed to Texas 1907".
Overton Ward Records and Family Records of Andrew B. Clevenger give her birthdate as 24 Aug. 1857; St. George Temple records give her birthdate as 24 Aug 1875. TIB card gives her birthplace as Gross Panskan, Germany; A.B. Clevenger family records give her birthplace as Vowlon: Big Punkin, Germany.
LDS Baptism
Also TIB card.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.