Surname: Cluff Given Names: Rebecca Josephine Married Name: Rebecca Josephine Haws
Gender: Female
Birth:10 May 185830 Provo, , Utah, Usa Death:17 June 1945 (Age 87) Chandler, Maricopa, Arizona
Personal Facts and Details
10 May 185830 Provo, , Utah, Usa
LDS Baptism
1868 (Age 9)
Civil Marriage George Martin Haws - 23 November 1877 (Age 19) Johnson, Kane, Utah
Note: "In July, 1877 President Brigham Young in a conference or special meeting in Provo called for volunteers to go to Arizona to help settle that country and help strengthen the settlements that had already been started on the Little Colorado. As my intended wife's (Josephine Cluff) parents, Moses and Rebecca Langman Cluff, were among the volunteers, I joined with my parents consent.
"We left Provo on the 18th of October 1877, and as all expected to go to St. George from Johnson [east of present-day Kanab] to work in the Temple, we decided to get married and get our endowments. My grandmother, Jane Sanford Mills, and her son,Uncle Martin W. Mills, went with me as far as Johnson,, then they went on to St. George; but on account of it being late in the season and the stock getting thin, the company concluded to push on and not go to St. George as was contemplated. As that throwed me alone, I decided to get marred so I would not be alone; so on the 23rd of November 1877 we were married by Bishop Sextus [Sixtus] Johnson. The next day (24th) we started on." (quoted in George Martin Haws Family History. 1975.)
LDS Endowment
24 October 1878 (Age 20) LDS Temple: Endowment House, Utah
LDS Spouse Sealing
George Martin Haws - 24 October 1878 (Age 20) LDS Temple: Endowment House, Utah
17 June 1945 (Age 87) Chandler, Maricopa, Arizona
20 June 1945 (3 days after death) Mesa City Cem., Maricopa, Arizona, Usa
!PARENTS:Record of Members;1922-1933;Chandler Ward Record of Members;No. 175;;microfilm at Covina Branch Lib;copy of note taken by Brenda Haws in poss of Wallace Haws, 560 S Spur, Mesa, Arizona 85204.
!BIRTH-PARENTS:Thatcher Ward Records;;Record of Membership;#1546;Salt Lake City Gen Lib film #2464;transcription in poss of Wallace haws.
!BIRTH-PARENTS:Record of Membership;1944;Record of Membership;Presiding Bishops Office;orginal record from Church Headquarters written in 1944 in poss of Wallace Haws, F-Moses Cluff,M-Rebecca Langman.
!BURIAL:Letter from the Mesa City Cemetary;;;;copy in poss of W Haws;gives the burial plot location as 481-4-6, but does not give the burial date.
!PARENTS:Record of Members;1922-1933;Chandler Ward Record of Members;No. 175;;microfilm at Covina Branch Lib;copy of note taken by Brenda Haws in poss of Wallace Haws, 560 S Spur, Mesa, Arizona 85204.
!BIRTH-PARENTS:Thatcher Ward Records;;Record of Membership;#1546;Salt Lake City Gen Lib film #2464;transcription in poss of Wallace haws.
!BIRTH-PARENTS:Record of Membership;1944;Record of Membership;Presiding Bishops Office;orginal record from Church Headquarters written in 1944 in poss of Wallace Haws, F-Moses Cluff,M-Rebecca Langman.
!BURIAL:Letter from the Mesa City Cemetary;;;;copy in poss of W Haws;gives the burial plot location as 481-4-6, but does not give the burial date.
"In July, 1877 President Brigham Young in a conference or special meeting in Provo called for volunteers to go to Arizona to help settle that country and help strengthen the settlements that had already been started on the Little Colorado. As my intended wife's (Josephine Cluff) parents, Moses and Rebecca Langman Cluff, were among the volunteers, I joined with my parents consent.
"We left Provo on the 18th of October 1877, and as all expected to go to St. George from Johnson [east of present-day Kanab] to work in the Temple, we decided to get married and get our endowments. My grandmother, Jane Sanford Mills, and her son,Uncle Martin W. Mills, went with me as far as Johnson,, then they went on to St. George; but on account of it being late in the season and the stock getting thin, the company concluded to push on and not go to St. George as was contemplated. As that throwed me alone, I decided to get marred so I would not be alone; so on the 23rd of November 1877 we were married by Bishop Sextus [Sixtus] Johnson. The next day (24th) we started on." (quoted in George Martin Haws Family History. 1975.)
"In July, 1877 President Brigham Young in a conference or special meeting in Provo called for volunteers to go to Arizona to help settle that country and help strengthen the settlements that had already been started on the Little Colorado. As my intended wife's (Josephine Cluff) parents, Moses and Rebecca Langman Cluff, were among the volunteers, I joined with my parents consent.
"We left Provo on the 18th of October 1877, and as all expected to go to St. George from Johnson [east of present-day Kanab] to work in the Temple, we decided to get married and get our endowments. My grandmother, Jane Sanford Mills, and her son,Uncle Martin W. Mills, went with me as far as Johnson,, then they went on to St. George; but on account of it being late in the season and the stock getting thin, the company concluded to push on and not go to St. George as was contemplated. As that throwed me alone, I decided to get marred so I would not be alone; so on the 23rd of November 1877 we were married by Bishop Sextus [Sixtus] Johnson. The next day (24th) we started on." (quoted in George Martin Haws Family History. 1975.)