!BIRTH:Birth Cert of Gertrude Luveda Clevenger;;Arkansas St Bd of Health;#86959;Bureau of Vital Statistics;Cert Copy in poss of Wallace Haws 560 S Spur, Mesa, Arizona 85204 in file of Gertrude L Clevenger.
!MARRIAGE:Marriage Cert;;Ozark Co Clerk;State of Missouri;copy in poss of W Haws;names given as A.B. Clevenger and Sarah Jane Casey. Through other family records we know the Sarah Jane Odell was married before to someone else before her marriage to Andrew Benton Clevenger. We know that this marriage cert is of Andrew Benton Clevenger and Sarah Jane Odell and so conclude that her first marriage was with a Mr. Casey.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-BAPTISM-ENDOWMENT-MARRIAGE-DEATH:Temple index card;;St. George Temple;No 4568 Book C page 494-5;Copy in poss of W Haws.
!MARRIAGE:Marriage License;;Lincoln Co.,State of Nevada;;Original License in poss of W.Haws;Married to Mrs. Julia Carl.
!MARRIAGE:Marriage License;;Ozark Co.,State of Missouri;;Copy in poss of W Haws;Married to Sarah Jane Casey.
!MARRIAGE:Marriage License and Certificate;;Maricopa Co.,Arizona;Book 10 Page 206;Copy in poss of W Haws;Married to Ola Mary Obarr.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-DEATH-BURIAL:Death Certificate;;Maricopa Co.,Arizona;No 146;Copy in poss of W Haws;This states he was born 1850 in Springfield, MO and his wife was Lola M. Clevenger.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-BAPTISM-SEALING PARENTS:IGI North America 1994 Addendum,,Mesa FHC;;F-Brackston Clevenger,M-Johanna Hodge.
!BURIAL:Letter from the Mesa City Cemetary;;;;copy in poss of W Haws; gives the location in the Cemetary as 1-1-1 but not the burial date.
!BIRTH:1900 Census, Searcy Co. Arkansas;1900;Enumeration Dist. 123;Sheet 123 page B 536; Mesa FHC Film # 1240076; copy in poss of W Haws.
!BIRTH:1860 Census, Taney Co. Missouri;1860;Jasper Township Post Office Walnut Shade;page 78-79;Film # 803658;copy in poss of W Haws. See Brackston Clevenger.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-BAPTISM:Overton Ward Record of Members;1884-1901;Overton Ward, Moapa Stake;page 25 about item 12;FHC Film # 014913;NOTES:F-Braxton Clevenger, M- Johanna Hodg, Born-11 Dec 184?,Green Co., Missouri, Baptism-4 May 1900 by Geo Wilkins, Confirmation-4 May 1900 by GE Wilkins
!BIRTH-PARENTS:1860 Census Taney Co Missouri;;Jasper Twnshp,Walnut Shade Post Office, 14 Aug 1860;Page 78-79 Dwelling # 530 Family # 524;MFHC Film # 803658;B-7 years old in 1860 = 1853,listed as a female in the census record.
A.B. Clevenger of Dora, Ozark, Missouri and Sarah Jane Casey of Ambrose, Ozark, Missouri, married 13 March 1884.
A.B. Clevenger of Dora, Ozark, Missouri and Sarah Jane Casey of Ambrose, Ozark, Missouri, married 13 March 1884.
LDS Baptism
Clevengers were in East Arkansas District, emigrated to Nevada 1900
LDS Endowment
Also IGI
LDS Spouse Sealing
Also IGI
LDS Spouse Sealing
Also IGI
LDS Spouse Sealing
Martha Ann Mildred Cooper Prince acted as proxies for the sealings of Andrew B. Clevenger to Sarah Jane Odell and Nancy Emeline Paton (Peyton).
LDS Spouse Sealing
Martha Ann Mildred Cooper Prince acted as proxies for the sealings of Andrew B. Clevenger to Sarah Jane Odell and Nancy Emeline Paton (Peyton).
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.
For A.B. Clevenger and Mrs. Julia Carl, State of Nevada, County of Lincoln, 27 June 1905. They were married on the way home from the depot per Gertrude Cooper's life story writings.