Engineering, Drafting, and Computing


Use your browser's search (CTRL+F in Internet Explorer) to look for the tool you need. For example, if you need to rotate text, look for rotate or text. Click on any highlighted command to get additional help for that command.

Command Description
(AH) Snaps to a point halfway between two selected points.
0 TILEMODE 0 and sets ltscale to 1 if psltscale = 1.
1 TILEMODE 1 and resets ltscale if psltscale = 1.
10 Sets up variables for associative dimensioning. 0.10 inch size.
12 Sets up variables for associative dimensioning. 0.12 inch size
2L Edits 2 elevations at a time with 1 input such as TC&G or FF&PAD when given only G or PAD.
A Arc
AA Active angle. Sets snapangle.
AAR Draws a curved leader as one entity.
ADD Adds a text string to the end of another text string.
ADL Adds (sums) all the lengths of selected arcs or lines.
ADT Attdia toggle.
AEE Area of entity.
AET Area of entity. Adds text to drawing.
AL Lists radius, length, delta, and tangent of an arc or pline. Lists length of a circle or line.
AP Aperture
AR Array.
AS Autoset. Sets current layer picking.
AT Arc text.
ATT2TXT Converts a single attribute to text and copies it to a new location. Leaves the original attribute intact. Alias A2T.
B Break.
BDL Labels a line with bearing and distance.
BDP Labels the bearing and distance between two picked points.
BERM Draws a berm (crow's foot) symbol. Requires BERM.DWG.
BF Break First.
BL Block.
BL0 Block to layer 0. Redefines a selected block putting all its sub-entities on layer 0.
BM Brkmatch. Breaks a line, filling the gap to match another entity.
BOXL Box bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
BRK Breaks two objects where they intersect.
BW Backwards. Draws a leader from a bubble note to an additional point.
BX Draws a pline box given two corners; prompts for rotation.
C Circle.
CA Copy Attributes. Copies all the attribute values from a block insertion into other insertions with the same attributes.
C2 Circle by two points.
CD Curve data. Lists rad, len, del, and tan of an arc or pline. List length of a circle or line.
CET Cmdecho toggle.
CF Chamfer.
CH Change.
CHATTRIB Changes Value/Position/Angle/Style/Layer/Color of currently visible attributes globally.
CHCOORD Changes any coordinate of a selection set to a uniform value.
CHDIM Changes text inside dimensions globally or updates dimensions with given text.
CHGCASE Changes selected text to upper or lower case.
CHM Changes objects' layer to match another object.
CHNUM Renumber existing text sequentially.
CIRL Cir bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
CL Changes objects to current layer by picking.
CLEAN Cleans (super-purges) drawing using wblock command. Exits drawing.
CMD Cmddia toggle.
CMPRO Change Match Professional. Changes any property of a selection set to match another object. For power users.
CMT Change Match Text. Changes text style, layer, color, height, and slant to match another by picking.
CONTVOL Calculates contour volume from selected closed polylines. Adds volume text to drawing.
CONTXT Contour Text label. Adds middle justified text on contour layer.
CR Copy Rotate. Rotate, leaving a copy in original position.
CS Copy String. Changes text string to match another by picking.
CT Circle by tangent, tangent, and radius.
CU Copy Up. Copies an object straight up or down. Acts like offset for profile lines.
CURVE Draws an arc with a requested length.
CW Change Width. Pedit width change for a group.
CX Copy.
D1 Toggles suppressing dimension extension 1.
D2 Toggles suppressing dimension extension 2.
DA Dimension Aligned.
DANG Dimension Angular.
DC Dimension Center.
DEL Deletes a file.
DH Dimension Horizontal.
DI Distance.
DIA Toggles cmddia, filedia, attdia.
DIAL Dia bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
DIR Displays current directory.
DL Dimension Leader.
DM Draws a street or utility dimensions with additional same line or multiline text.
DOT Draws an associative leader with dot end.
DP Dimpost. Dimension post string. (eg. ' or FT)
DSC Dimscale.
DT Dtext. Dynamic text.
DU Dimension update.
DV Dview.
DW Draws a straight or curved MAG 250 driveway entrance.
E Erase
EDCHELP Starts Haws EDC help.
EDCMENU Loads the Haws EDC menu.
EDIT Invokes the operating system EDIT command.
EE Edits multiple sequential attributes, attdefs, dimensions, or text with a dialogue box.
EG Entget. Gets entity information list in DXF format.
EGN Entget nested. Gets nested entity information list in DXF format.
ELL Ellipse.
ELLABEL Labels profile or xsec point elevations by picking.
ELLL Ell bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
ELV Adds elevations along the side of a profile grid.
EOP End of pipe. Draws the cut (broken) end of a pipe.
EX Explode mirrored blocks as well as the usual explodable entities.
EXP Autocad explode.
F Fillet.
FDT Filedia toggle.
FF Freezes layers by selection set.
FFA Findfile ACAD. Reports where AutoCAD is finding a file.
FFI Freeze isolate. Freezes all but selected layers.
GOTO Finds selected objects by panning and zooming to bring selected objects one at a time to the center of the screen.
FFX Freezes xref layers (or layers of other nested objects) by picking.
FUNKY Loads the F-key function key osnaps.
By default, the osnaps are as shown in the FUNK1.DWG and FUNKY2.DWG template drawings.
GRB Inserts a grade break symbol at the end of a line on a profile. Needs GRB.DWG.
GRC Inserts a grade change symbol at the end of a line on a profile. Needs GRC.DWG.
GRD Calculates a slope or elevation.
GS Sets grip size.
H Bhatch.
HEXL Hex bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
HT Dimension Hometext.
-I Insert (command line version).
I Insert with dialogue box.
IB Insbase.
IL Isoplane left.
IMP_EXP Imports/Exports ASCII files with options not in ASCTEXT.
INCATT Increments numbers in specified attributes of selected block insertions based on any attribute. Leaves the precision of each number as is.
INCNUM Increments numbers within selected text strings. Leaves the precision of each number as is.
IO Isoplane off.
IR Isoplane right.
ISTAN Is it tangent? Reports the gap and angular difference between two selected ends.
IT Isoplane top.
L Line.
L0 Layer set 0.
L100 L100 (0.100 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L120 L120 (0.120 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L140 L140 (0.140 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L175 L175 (0.175 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L200 L200 (0.200 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L240 L240 (0.240 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L290 L290 (0.290 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L350 L350 (0.350 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L500 L500 (0.500 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
L80 L80 (0.080 * dimscale) size quick dtext.
-LA Layer (command line version).
LA Layer with dialogue box.
LAPRN Prints layer settings list to file (dwgname.txt).
LAR Restore layer settings from a file. (Frozen, Off, Color, Linetype, Current viewport frozen)
LAS Saves layer settings to a file. (Frozen, Off, Color, Linetype, Current viewport frozen)
LA Layer box. Layer with dialogue box.
LBDIM Adds a specified label to selected dimensions
LCP Layer colors by picking.
LCPX Nested (xref) layer colors by picking.
LE Changes the length of a line.
LETTER Adds consecutive letter text to drawing.
LI List.
LK Locks layers by picking.
LK0 Locks layer 0.
LKA Locks all layers.
LKI Locks isolate. Locks all but selected layers.
LLT Loads all linetypes from ACAD.LIN.
LM Makes a layer with few prompts.
LOOP Draws an associative leader with loop (lasso) end.
LOTEL Spot elevation ellipse. Needs LOTEL.DWG.
LOTNUM Enhanced version of NUM. Centers text between two lot lines.
LST Lists the station and elevation of a profile point. Needs reference point set up by PRO.
LTB Changes all entities on a layer to bylayer linetype. Restores changes done by LTC.
LTC Changes all entities on a layer to continuous linetype. Speeds profile grid regens.
LTH Changes linetype to hidden by picking.
LTS Ltscale.
LX Nested list. Drills to the nesting bottom of an entity and lists all mother entities and layers.
M Move.
M40 Draws a 1998 revision City of Mesa M-40 driveway with two picks.
M42 Draws a 1999 revision City of Mesa M-42 driveway with two picks.
MC2033 Draws a MCDOT 2033 driveway entrance with two picks.
MD Lists cumulative distance between repeated picks.
MF Multiple concentric fillet with automatic radius change. Useful for contours and curb returns.
MM Mirror.
MN Menu. No dialogue box. Makes it easy to type MN ACAD.
MODESTAT Changes the status bar to display long layernames and the current drawing name.
MOF Multiple offset. Offsets with one pick to multiple distances and layers. Good for streets.
MP Move Previous.
MREN Multiple rename. Works like Autocad rename using wilcards.
MS Mspace.
MSCR Multiple Script processor. Runs a script file on multiple drawings.
MV Creates a paper space viewport on defpoints layer.
MVHP Creates and zooms HP plotter sized paper space viewport. Current UCS 0,0 must be at sheet corner.
NA New angle. For each entity in a selection set, aligns to match a single selected entity or angle or rotates a selected angle.
NE Northing and easting coordinates on a leader.
NEWPRO Draws a new profile from a data file named [dwgname].pro.
NONE Draws an associative leader with no arrow (straight line) end.
NEWSCALE Scales each object in a selection set to a new uniform scale based on a specified measurement of its current scale.
NOTES Manages bubble notes and quantites automatically. See NOTES.TXT.
NS Note snap. Sets snap angle to 0, 30, 45, or 60 for drawing leaders.
NUM Adds consecutive number text to drawing.
O Offset.
OCTL Octagon bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
OFF Turns off layers by selection set.
OFFX Turns off xref layers (or layers of other nested objects) by picking.
OFI Off isolate. Turns off all but selected layers.
ONA On all. Turns all layers on.
OO Offset to current layer. Same as offsetx.
OS Ddosnap.
OSE Sets running osnap to endpoint.
OSI Sets running osnap to intersection.
OSM Sets running osnap to midpoint.
OSN Sets running osnap to none.
P Pan.
P0 Sets polyline width to 0.
PAD Inserts pad and ff block on PAD layer.
PALL Purges all without confirmation.
PB Sets entity pickbox size.
PC Draws a profile catch basin with two picks.
PE Pedit.
PENL Pentagon bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
PG Polygon.
PIPE Draws a pipe with inside and outside walls.
PL Polyline.
PLDR Adds a profile label leader with pre-worded text.
PLT Quick plot without dialogue box. Plots display.
PM Draws a profile manhole with two picks.
POLARSET Sets up polar tracking at 30 degree increments. Sets the NODE osnap (to accommodate an AutoCAD 2000 bug) if no other running osnap is set.
PRED Edits the PRO data file that matches the current drawing name.
PRESUF Adds a prefix or suffix to selected text. Powerful with CHT.
PRO Plots a complete profile by entering station, elevation, etc. from the keyboard or a data file.
PROE Draws a profile pipe ellipse with ID and OD.
PROFC Converts an old format PRO data file version.
PROPIPE Profile pipe. Draws ID and OD by picking invert points and entering ID and wall thickness.
PROSUP Draws a pipe support in profile between a pipe ellipse and a pipe profile.
PROTO Inserts PROTO drawing with standard layers and linetypes.
PROTOX Inserts PROTOX drawing with standard layers and linetypes.
PS Pspace.
PSLT Psltscale toggle.
QS Qsave.
QT Qtext mode toggle.
R Redraw.
RD Redo.
RECL Rectangle bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
RES Viewres.
RESCALE Rescale selected blocks or other entities about their base points.
REV Inserts revision delta to drawing at dimscale and dim text size.
RG Regenall.
RGA Reganauto toggle.
ROMANS Sets style to Roman Simplex. Changes all LEROYish styles to ROMANS font.
ROUND Rounds selected text strings to the specified precision.
RR Rotate.
RRR Rotates from a reference point. Good as an everyday substitute for ROTATE.
RUN Loads or reloads and runs a LISP routine by typing RUN and routine name.
R1 Rotate 180.
R2 Rotate 270.
R4 Rotate 450.
R9 Rotate 90.
S Stretch crossing.
SC Scale.
SELSTYLE Sets current text style by picking.
SET Displays current operating system environment variables.
SETDIM10 Sets up variables for associative dimensioning. 0.10 inch size.
SETDIM12 Sets up variables for associative dimensioning. 0.12 inch size
SETUP Sets all dimension variables for a certain scale and text height.
SH Shells to operating system command prompt.
SHEET Sets up P&P sheets easily. Attaches xrefs and takes care of scaling and rotation.
SLL Inserts straight leader leftward with text on STAOFF layer. Requires SL.DWG.
SLOPE Inserts a slope arrow with text on slope layer.
SLR Inserts straight leader rightward with text on STAOFF layer. Requires SR.DWG.
SN Snap.
SPOTEL Inserts grading plan spot elevation block on SPOTEL layer.
SSX Creates a global selection set of specific layers, blocks, etc. for use in another command.
SSXPRO Like SSX command line selection set creator, but more powerful and complicated. For power users.
STACL Adds numbered station ticks on an old style (not lightweight) pline.
STALABEL Adds stations along the bottom of a profile grid.
SWAP Swaps the location of two selection sets.
T Trim.
TAP Draws a perpendicular sewer tap using current chamfer distances.
TAPINV Calculates the invert at the end of a perpendicular sewer tap by picking.
TC Inserts a profile text block. Needs P-TCG-TX.DWG.
TCG Inserts grading plan street elevations on a leader. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
TCL Inserts angled grading plan street elevations leftward. Requires TCL.DWG.
TCR Inserts angled grading plan street elevations rightward. Requires TCR.DWG.
TE Dimension tedit.
TH Changes text size for a selection set. (Quickie version of CHT.)
THA Thaws all layers.
TILDE Draws an associative leader with tilde end.
TO Text overline. Adds overline to a selection set of text or to an attribute.
TRIL Triangle bubble note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
TU Text underline. Adds underline to a selection set of text or to an attribute.
TW Twist. Dview twist with prompt for angle to make horizontal.
TXTL Text note on NOTES layer. Requires 3 blocks. They are provided in the HawsEDC folder. They can be modified for custom appearance. Modified blocks should be saved in another folder.
TXTSUM Adds numeric values from selected text strings.
TY Linetype.
TYPE Types a text file to the screen.
U0 Sets units to 0 decimal places.
U1 Sets units to 1 decimal place.
U2 Sets units to 2 decimal places.
U3 Sets units to 3 decimal places.
U8 Sets units to 8 decimal places.
UB Undo back.
UF Ucsfollow toggle.
UFF Undo layer freeze. Thaw layers frozen by previous picking.
UFFX Undo nested (xref) layer freeze. Thaw layers frozen by previous picking.
UL Layer unlock by picking.
ULA Layer unlock *.
UM Undo mark.
UOFF Undo layer off. Turns on layers turned off by picking.
UOFFX Undo nested (xref) layer off. Turns on layers turned off by picking.
US Sets units to surveyor angles (nearest second) and 2 decimal places.
USER Reloads USER.LSP (after making changes).
UT Draws a utility line of a specified type and size. Includes Wat/Sew/SD/Irr/Elec/Tel/Catv.
UU Ddunits.
V View with dialogue box.
-W Wblock without dialogue box..
W Wblock with dialogue box.
WALL Draws a wall of a specified width on the right layer.
WL What layer. Gets layer name, color, linetype, and status info by picking an entity.
WS Draws a water service with two picks.
X Extend.
X2 Zoom 2X
XD Xref detach by picking.
XDA Xref detach all (*).
XR Xref without dialogue box.
XRO Offsets an object nested in an Xref or other block. XROFFSET also invokes this command.
XX Toggle dimtix. Toggle forcing dimension text inside extension lines.
XY X and Y coordinates on a leader.
Z Zoom.
Z0 Zoom zero. Zoom window from 0,0 to 36,24.
ZA Zoom All.
ZD Zoom dynamic.
ZE Zoom extents.
ZI Zoom in. Zoom 1.5X.
ZO Zoom out. Zoom 0.5X.
ZV Zoom viewmax. Zoom out as far as possible without a regen.
ZW Zoom window.
ZZ Zoom previous

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